CoolWorks operates within a focused niche of locations, industries, and employers. To maintain that focus, after every new employer registers to post their job opportunities, a member of the CoolWorks team reviews the registration and makes a determination on whether or not to approve the account. Our review process is intended to make sure that the employers using the CoolWorks platform to post their jobs are the best fit possible for our audience because we want our users to find the types of opportunities they're looking for, and for our employers to find good matches and have success using our site.
Many employer registrations are denied as a result of the review process, and here are a few common reasons why:
- Lack of housing availability - CoolWorks reaches a nationwide audience of job seekers, most of whom are seeking work and travel opportunities - i.e. jobs that will allow them to travel to a new place, live and work there for a season, and then continue on to a new place (or potentially a new job in the same area). When an employer posts an opportunity on CoolWorks, they are far more likely to receive applications from candidates who are in another part of the country than from candidates who are already located in their area. Because of this, many of the employers who post on CoolWorks provide housing for their staff (dorms, cabins, etc.) or are able to provide resources or assistance in securing short-term housing. If an employer does not offer housing or housing resources, it could be very difficult for a candidate to relocate to a new place while having to find short-term housing, and the employer likely would struggle to find suitable candidates on CoolWorks. Therefore, we likely would not approve the account to ensure the best fit and experience for both of our audiences.
- Employer Is Located In or Near an Urban Area - From the time it was launched in 1995 over a dial-up internet connection from inside Yellowstone National Park, CoolWorks has focused on job opportunities in wild places away from the hustle and bustle of major metropolitan areas, with access to lots of outdoor recreation opportunities, and preferably with onsite housing provided so candidates can easily hop from one opportunity to the next. That continues to be our focus today, so if your company operates in or near a city, you likely wouldn't be a good fit for our site, and we would probably deny your registration. It's nothing personal - we know there are tons of great employers operating in big cities across the country doing wonderful work, but those opportunities just aren't the focus of our site.
- Employer Operates in an Industry We Don't Actively Serve - For the most part, we work with employers in the hospitality, tourism, and recreation industries, like National Park concessionaires, guest ranches, camps, guides/outfitters, ski resorts, Conservation Corps, lodges/resorts, etc.. Due to that narrow focus, that means there are a lot of industries that we don't actively serve: finance, construction/real estate, gaming, oil & gas/mining, manufacturing, trucking/warehousing, etc.. Occassionally there's an exception here or there if we feel the employer would be a really great fit for our target audience. Again, it's nothing personal. We didn't set out to be a resource for ALL employers, and strive to focus on those that can provide the unique opportunities that are site users know us for.
Whether your registration is approved or denied, we will send you a follow up email to let you know our decision, and if we deny the account, we'll provide a brief explanation as to why, generally within a few business hours (check your Spam folder if you haven't heard from us!). Because we deny a large number of registrations, we recommend that new employers hold off on building their Profile or drafting ads until they hear back from us. If you are denied and you feel that you could provide some additional information that might alter our decision, please feel free to follow up at
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